Can you imagine a town so advanced that it had multi-storeyed buildings, indoor lavatories and an elaborate drainage system as early as 4.500 years ago?
Well, this is what Akrotiri was like, before the eruption of Thera volcano effaced it in the middle of the second millennium BC. Even then, its inhabitants seemed to have an evacuation plan that allowed them to flee, leaving nothing precious but just one golden object behind.
Like the Roman ruins of Pompeii, the remains of the Minoan town of Akrotiri are remarkably well-preserved. The volcanic matter enveloped the entire town, preserving the buildings and their contents. Walking along the archaeological site’s elevated ramps, you will be able to identify several houses and pots.
The demise of Akrotiri is attributed to the volcano’s eruption, which geologists have referred to as the most destructive natural event in recorded history. And it is a real pity, given that this sophisticated prehistoric town boasted vivid frescoes and elaborate architecture.
Some historians believe that Akrotiri was the city that inspired Plato to write about Atlantis, a great and wonderful empire which was destroyed in a single day. Scholars have argued that Plato’s description of the sudden obliteration of Atlantis is parallel to the eruption of Thera and the subsequent destruction of Akrotiri.
Plan a visit to see if you are convinced!

Almost everybody knows that Santorini’s unusual beauty is the result of a volcanic eruption but, once you are on the island, it is hard to tell where that volcano actually is. Santorini as we know it today, is the result of four volcanic eruptions the last of which occurred in 1620 BC. This final...
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